Mt. Rainier Maternity: Sama + Jota

I have a love hate relationship with the word “epic”. It’s so overused, and so many things its used for are not epic! But I will say that 1. bringing new life into this world is epic and 2. it deserves an equally epic location to celebrate. That’s how we ended up at Mt. Rainier for Sama and Jota maternity session. With the towering mountain in the background and the golden summer sun cascading down, all seemed right with the world, despite the craziness of it all these days. Sama and Jota are going to be the best parents, and you know how I know? Just look at these photos: they have so much love for each other and are so excited to welcome their little one. I just know they’ll have a little adventurer on their hands - who else gets to hang out at 6400 feet above sea level before they’re even born??