Seattle Family Session: The Sullivan Family

I was so excited to work with Brianne and her family this fall, but we kept getting rained on, no matter when we scheduled her session! Eventually we decided to just go for it and get a little wet before we missed out on the amazing fall color Seattle has to offer. We met at the Washington Arboretum in the Madison Park neighborhood, one of my favorites for fall leaves. Her two boys are just about too sweet for words!

Can I get real here for a second? Writing my blog is effing hard. After grad school, my writer’s voice had converted to 150% technical/academic, and now I find expressing myself through writing extremely challenging. But I’m trying to get better at it! One of my first jobs in the “real world” was as a marketing manager for a collegiate apparel company. All of the copywriting I did (which felt like it was endless, we did not have a copywriter on staff) was in the voice of a 22 year old sorority girl. Not that there’s anything wrong with that; that absolutely was me once upon a time! But at this point in my life, its definitely not my truest voice. The hard part has been trying to not sound like a sorority recruiter without dimming down my usual very enthusiastic way of communicating. I LOVE EXCLAMATION POINTS!! AND I WILL NOT APOLOGIZE FOR IT!!!!!!!! I am also forever enthusiastic and excited about my work, and I know that’s going to come through in my writing. Even if my marketing manager sister has to constantly tell me to chill out in my writing, I’m still going to sound extra peppy and that’s ok.

So thank you to all who have beared (bore??) with me over the years as I attempt to wax poetic in these blog posts. You keep me going, and there’s no end in sight!